Saturday, July 11, 2015


HOT TUB TIME MACHINE 2 (Steve Pink): ★★½☆☆
- It’s disheartening to see the gang return with a boring but sporadically fun sequel. Some scenes had a good punchline but the overwhelming amount of improvised trash talk and dick jokes kept it from being as hilarious as its predecessor.

RUN ALL NIGHT (Jaume Collet-Serra): ★★½☆☆
- The movie stays true to its title, for better or worse. Expect some range from Liam Neeson that we rarely see today from his gun-slinging typecast roles but don’t expect any bad-ass moment between him and Ed Harris. Common’s scenes are unintentionally funny because he’s like a rip-off of Arnie’s Terminator.
KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE (Matthew Vaughn): ★★★★☆
- Lavishing violence with jaw-dropping cinematography and head-popping direction, one can’t help but be amazed by its action. However, the movie became a slight letdown once it focused on the YA element and literally said that it’s not that kind of a movie we’re hoping for.
PROJECT ALMANAC (Dean Israelite): ½☆☆☆
- It could’ve been as ground-breaking as Chronicle if not for its crappy teen romance and wasteful time explaining the logistics of a ridiculous time travelling machine. You know what? I would love to see Marty McFly document himself while travelling through time if there will ever be a Back to the Future remake. For a change.

SHAUN THE SHEEP (Mark Burton, Richard Starzak): ★★★★☆
- A simple yet festive full feature version of the charming cartoon that will leave its audience amazed and jolly after watching. A recommendable crowd-pleasing film for everyone who’s having a bad day.

JUPITER ASCENDING (Andy and Lana Wachowski): ★★☆☆☆

- Style was there with the detailed visual effects. There's also substance about imperialism, human capitalism and knowledge beyond human endeavor. Plus, Channing Tatum and Eddie Redmayne tried to make this monotonous film slightly interesting. But the thrill and awe were absent because the biggest crime that Jupiter Ascending committed is that its titular ruler was not that interesting. Everything’s repetitive where the valiant knight has to rescue the damsel in distress. What’s worse is that they even tried to inject an improvised love story between the two. Jupiter didn’t ascend as much as the film is ambitiously trying to.

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